Our state of the art school was 10 years in the planning and became a reality as a result of hard work by parents, teachers and the people of Thomastown. Our school has over 400 pupils and is the result of an amalgamation between Ladywell Boy’s school and the Convent of Mercy National School.
Speaking at the opening, Minister Seán Haughey TD, Minister for Lifelong Learning said
‘It is my great privilege to join you here today in Thomastown to celebrate the opening of your fabulous new school.’
‘The opening of a new school is always a great occasion.’
‘This morning here in Thomastown is not only the culmination of a lot of planning and hard work; it also represents this community’s hope and confidence in the future.’
‘Schools are a vital and integral part of any neighbourhood.’
‘ I would like to pay tribute to each and every one involved and acknowledge the vision and determination of the school management , the Principal Margaret Walsh, staff and parents who worked so hard to bring this wonderful project to completion.’
Minister Haughey went on to say
‘I am also heartened to learn that you have a very active parents’ association which promotes and encourages involvement in education generally as well as sports activities and pupil development.’
‘Sport and recreation encourage teamwork and are essential elements of a balanced lifestyle which are necessary for healthy living.’
‘One cannot but be impressed that you encourage many sports here in St. Mary’s such as camogie, hurling, soccer, basketball, handball, swimming and athletics.’
‘I also warmly congratulate the local Ladies Football team on their recent county final win which was a magnificent achievement.’
St. Mary’s are also actively involved in the Green Schools’ challenge- improving on the local litter situation, making the environment more beautiful and being conscious of water and energy use, waste and conservation.
Minister Haughey concluded by thanking everyone for the invitation to open the new school and wished them every success for the future.
Ms Walsh paid a special tribute to former Parish Priest, the late Monsignor Paul Fitzgerald, who she credits with getting the project started. Ms Walsh also highlighted the huge impact made by the former teacher, the late Breda Doyle. She stated that her imput is very much alive in the school today.
Monsignor James Cassin, Chair of the Board of Management, pointed out that it was a great day for Thomastown. “It takes a village to raise a child but it takes a whole parish to give us a day like this”. He added that the school was a splendid facility and set a beacon for the future of education in Thomastown. Séan Haughey, Junior Minister for Lifelong Learning, commended the town for its strength and unity.
A variety of entertainment was provided for guests with a performance by the school orchestra, traditional Irish and Indian dancing, a recorder performance from 3rd class, a highly amusing recitation by 2nd class and songs by the school choir.
It was a proud day for all in St Mary’s National School. Well done to everyone involved!!!
To read more about about our school opening in the ‘Kilkenny Advertiser’ click here…
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