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Ms Lanigan’s Senior Infant Photos, 2015

Ms Lanigan’s class had a fantastic fun-filled year. Below are just some of the photos taken throughout the year; All-Ireland jersey day, Halloween dress up, a school trip and even a teddy bears picnic! There are also some photos of the school garden which includes a bug hotel which was given to us by the Tidy Town’s Committee. We hope you enjoy our photos!
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Ms Kelly’s Senior Infant Photos, 2015

Ms Kelly’s senior infant class had great fun this year. The photos below include the children’s first day in room 4, the arrival of the McCarthy Cup and the school trip to the Copper Coast Mini Farm. We hope you enjoy our photos. [Show as slideshow]

June Newsletter

Download a copy of the JUNE NEWSLETTER here!

Tips for Parents – Your Child in the Primary School

The INTO has published an article that gives parents an understanding of the modern primary school and how it works. Its full of useful tips from how to make life more manageable for the junior infant, school life, healthy eating, help with uniforms and books, bullying, homework etc. Please download your free publication here Tips_for_Parents  

‘Cutie’ the Bantam Hen, May 2015

(written by Guy Watts) Guy and his sister, Posie, brought their one year old Bantam hen in to school last Friday. They brought her around and showed her to some of the classes in the school. They also showed the children an egg that “Cutie” had laid. Her egg was about 1/3 the size of a regular hen egg. All of the children who
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Dylan Vaughan’s “St Marys Communion 2015″ Photos

Well done to all the boys and girls in Mr Reade’s and Ms Moore’s 2nd Class who made their First Holy Communion recently. We were all very proud of how well you prepared for this special day. You behaved beautifully in the church. Everyone agreed you sang, and read very well, and brought up the gifts with great reverence. Well Done! Enjoy the photos!
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Dylan Vaughan’s Confirmation Photos, 2015

Congratulations to all our children who were confirmed in Church of the Assumption, Thomastown. The children put in a lot of work and preparation into their very special day and great credit must be given to them and their teachers Mr. Delahunty and Mr. Roberts. Thank you to all involved. It was a fantastic occasion. Click link below to view Dylan Vaughan’s Confirmation Photos
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Puppet Show, May 2015

(written by Tadhg and Ashton) On the 20th of May a puppet show called ‘Over the Rainbow’ came to St Mary’s. The puppeteers used marionette puppets which are puppets controlled from above using strings. A marionette’s puppeteer is called a marionettist. The marionettists were very good at acting with their puppets and behind the curtain they used an i pad for sound effects. Our
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Cute Chicks Alert!

(written by Eabha and Lee Doherty) We brought in our chicks to school to show everyone. They are a mixture of Rhode Island Reds, White Sussex and another breed we’re not too sure of! These chicks are only about two weeks old. We hatched them from an incubator. We put 12 eggs into the incubator but only 6 of them hatched. Aren’t they so
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4th Class ‘A Fashion Show Through Time’ , May 2015

(written by Hannah Hughes) Ms O’ Connor’s 4th class hosted ‘A Fashion Show Through Time’ from the Roman Era through to the Middles Ages, 1910’s, 1920’s, 1960’s and 1970’s. It was exciting choosing our costumes and it was very educational too. Annabel and Cónal both said it was fun and interesting to take part in. To conclude, it was an amazing experience for the
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Active Schools Week, May 2015

(written by Dearbhail O’ Reilly) Two weeks ago we had ‘Active Schools Week’ at St. Mary’s. All the classes in the school participated and we all worked hard to run 42 Km. Each day different classes ran around the pitch for as long as they could. Each class recorded their efforts on the ‘Active Week’ noticeboard. By the end of the week we had
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How to Help My Kid Learn, May 2015

As part of the strategy to improve children’s literacy and numeracy skills, the national Adult Literacy Agency developed the website www.helpmykidlearn.ie. This provides some suggestions for enjoyable activities in which parents and their children can engage.  Enjoy!

Girl’s Berkley Basketball Team Win the South East League Final, 2015

(Written by Áine Murphy) On Saturday 28th of March, in the Under 12 girls South East basketball league, Berkley played Wildcats in the final. The semi-finals had been played earlier that day and now it was time to see who was the best! Berkley scored 39 points whilst Wildcats scored 8 making Berkley the winners of the championship and the league. The Berkley team
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St Mary’s Badminton, March 2015

[Show as slideshow] (Written by Darragh Skehan) On the 25th of March, St Mary’s N.S. took part in a badminton tournament in Dublin. Both the boys and the girls teams won it out. Peter McDonald, Luke Connellan, Lukas Fromman and Darragh Skehan played for the boys. Una Donnelly, Katie Tylicka, Laurie Moylan and Sarah Barcoe played for the girls. Both teams played well. The
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