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Art Project ‘Journey’ by Michelle Byrne

Congratulations to Michelle Byrne for her work ‘Journey‘. Michelle was awarded the Conor/Moran ESB medal for outstanding sculpture. This piece is the small scale model for a public art commission that Michelle is currently undertaking for our school. Below you will find a number of photos displaying the very difficult process of constructing and designing this large scale sculpture for our school; from quarrying
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Black and Amber Day, September 2012

St Mary’s Support for Kilkenny Hurlers There was tremendous excitement in our school yard last Friday as the children at St Mary’s donned the black n amber in anticipation of Sunday’s All-Ireland hurling final. Best of luck to the team in the replay on September 30th……GO ON THE CATS!!! Here’s a poem by Kaitlin Walsh to inspire you!   Kilkenny’s team are on the
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2012 Girls League Final

(Written by Laurie Moylan and Orla O’ Keeffe ) On Monday 25th June, in  the girl’s league final, Kilkenny took on Jamaica. Kilkenny scored two goals and four points and Jamaica scored three goals and five points. In the end the difference was a goal and a point. The players an Jamaica were: Jill O’Neill ( C ), Aoife O’Flaherty,  Kaitlin Walsh, Katie Waugh,
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Download Class Booklist, 2012

Fifth Class Mrs Dowling Ms. Lanigan Senior Infants Ms. O’Connor (4th Class) Fourth Clas Mrs Murphy Second Class Mrs Moore Junior Infants 1 Ms Stapleton Junior Infants 3 Ms A Stapleton Ms. Doyle First Class First Class Mrs Moore Senior Infants Ms Kelly Junior Infants 2 Ms. Power Sixth Class Mr Delahunty Mr. Roberts Sixth Class Third Class Ms. O’Shea Second Class Mrs Troy
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Congrats to the Boys in Blue….Once Again! (Roinn B Hurling Final)

(Written by Conor Donohue) On Saturday, the boys’ hurling team played Castlecomer in the Roinn B Final. Both teams played very well and battled through the full sixty minutes. Thomastown cruised home with the win, scoring 3-8 and Castlecomer only scoring 0-8. Scores from Jack Barcoe (2 points), Rory Monks (1 point), Colm Whelan (a goal), Stepen Wemyss (2 goals and 1 point) and
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Our School Garden Opening, June 2012

(Written by Eva Moylan and Tammy Burk-Kelly) The school opening took place on Friday 22nd of June. Mrs. Walsh commenced the ceremony with a lovely welcoming speech. Then the school orchestra played the recorder accompanied by Catherine on cello. They played two songs ‘La Mourisque’  and ‘Sarabande’. Well done to Ms O’ Shaughnessey for conducting such wonderful pieces of music. Sr de Lourdes gave
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The 6th Class Cake Sale

(Written by Iona Gardener) The bell rang we were all waiting excitedly for the cake sale. We were sorting out jobs until 10:00am, my job was the kitchen. At 10:00am we all went down to the hall to prepare for the cake sale. Finally at 11:00am we were ready to start the cake sale. Class by class children arrived and parents too. Everyone was
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School’s Roinn B Semi-Final

(Written by Ben Challoner and Stevie Wemyss) Last Tuesday morning we played Tullogher-Rosbercon in the Roinn B semi-final. We won 6-7 to 3-7. We are now in the final this Saturday in Nowlan Park. We are playing Castlecomer. Throw in is at 11:45. We would appreciate your support . Come along and cheer us Super Blues!!!!


Trip to the Zoo! June 2012

By Orla O’Keeffe and Róisín Dempsey Our school trip took place on Wednesday the 20th of June. We went to Dublin Zoo. We all had a fantastic day. When we got out of the bus we saw lots of buses. Then we saw some benches, we went over to them and ate some lunch. We saw most of the animals, a good few people
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The Country Cup Final, 16th June 2012

(Written by David Griffin) Our school hurling team beat Ballyhale emphatically last Saturday. The final score 5-12 to 0-5 in a game where Thomastown pulled ahead after a tight first half. Captain Ned Kirwan lifted the Country Cup for the first time in Thomastown’s history.

The Portlaoise Soccer Game

(Written by Liam Mooney) It was a bright Tuesday morning. The school’s soccer team was ready and pumped up for the game. The bus that was taking us to the match came at twenty to nine and we set off on our journey at half past nine. On the bus the boys were having a bit of a laugh and listening to some tunes
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June Newsletter 2012

June Newsletter, 2012


Primary Schools Concerts, 2012

Waterford Concert Orchestra performed in the school hall in St. Mary’s National School in Thomastown on June 12th , 2012.  There were two concerts, with more than 500 children from many of the nearby schools, attending each one.  The children sat on the floor, and the hall was full to capacity.  The children were enthralled by the music, the choice of music was perfect,
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Holy Communion Photos, 2012

Click on the link below to view this years Communion Photos……….. http://dylanvaughan.photoshelter.com/gallery/Thomastown-Communion-2012/G00004F2Q2ROMZrU/C0000p7BM8pO49l0  


‘Lights, Camera, Fifth Class!’

Written by Caoimhe Kelly On the 8th of May, Miss Hogan’s 5th class did a show for 3rd to 6th class called ‘Lights, Camera, Fifth Class!’. This show included ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, ‘Mrs Maguire’s Cookery Class’ (written by Catherine), ‘The Frog Prince’, ‘News Report’ (written by Tara), and ‘Celebrity Chickens’. We used 5 minute cuts from each of these plays and put
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